Quests> Suspicious Minotaurs

ID: 10407
Chapter 2: The Nuon Dragon War
14. Suspicious Minotaurs
Requires precompleted quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "A New Lead"


NPC:/talk Hah, I always was a good judge of character! Well that, and I received word that someone looking just like you would come seek my insight.

NPC:/talk I've worked out of the Bonefence Hutment for quite a while now and as you can see, we're uncomfortably close to the Minotaurs and their Dragonroar Fortress.

NPC:/talk As soon as I heard what happened to the Wyrmkin, I simply knew they must have had something to do with it. They've been capturing and forcing them to drink the water from the Bone Pool for a long time now.

NPC:/talk The Wyrmkin get blinded by aggression and their bodies are strengthened when they gulp down that puddle juice, so the Minotaurs use them to create chaos and hostility between their tribes and us humans.

NPC:/talk What changed since the earthquake however, is that not only those drinking the water go berserk, but also other peaceful Wyrmkin tribes that live far from the Minotaurs.

NPC:/talk I know it in my bones, that those damn cow heads have something to do with it, but I haven't found any solid proof for it yet.

NPC:/talk But I do know this: The earthquake was not a coincidence, the Minotaurs in the Dragonroar Fortress knew exactly when it was coming.

NPC:/talk In the weeks leading up to the earthquake, I saw them take extraordinary steps to work on securing the stability and durability of their structures in the fortress.

NPC:/talk And the day of, they knew exactly how to shelter and protect themselves from the effects. The event happened and they didn't suffer a single scratch from it.

NPC:/talk We usually observe them from a good distance and only at the front of the fortress, so we can run to safety if they spot and try to capture us.

NPC:/talk For this specific investigation however, watching the front is not good enough. I have to sneak my way into the belly of the Dragonroar Fortress.

NPC:/talk You seem capable enough. If you'd like to confirm my suspicions with your own eyes, you're welcome to join me. Gias can inform Estio about our mission too.

NPC:/talk This way, if you don't return, he'll know to send a rescue party to the Dragonroar Fortress or a cemetary keeper, depending on what happens.

NPC:/haha Quite a pep talk, huh? Hah hah! Grab your belongings and get ready, @PC_NAME(0), I'll meet you at the front of the Dragonroar Fortress.


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage summary:

Meet Aranbot at the entrance of the Dragonroar Fortress in Karkasse Ridgelands.


NPC:/talk @PC_NAME(0), keep your head low.

NPC:/talk We have to be quiet so the Minotaurs don't spot us. Something is going on.

NPC:/talk While I was waiting for you, I saw a strange person walk up to the Dragonroar Fortress.

NPC:/talk I've never seen this person around Karkasse before and especially here. If they were friends with the Minotaurs, I would have notice their presence.


Report to the Object