Quests> Artena's Theory

ID: 10393
Chapter 1: The Nuon Dragon War
14. Artena's Theory
Requires precompleted quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Orchidna's Creation"


NPC:/talk Anyway, my point is that both the Warborn, who I believe to be the Nuons reborn, and the Wyrmkin, who are the Fangborne awaken, suffer these horrible symptoms.

NPC:/talk So both of these factions were fighting each other during said war. The big difference between the Warborn and the Wyrmkin, is that the Wyrmkin seem to have completely forgotten their past, when they awoke.

NPC:/talk Or they did an impressive job denying the past so far. The Warborn were faced with it on a daily basis since the day they were reborn and spent years trying to master their feelings and minds.

NPC:/talk I therefore believe, that whatever is happening in Karkasse is mainly affecting the Wyrmkin because of their untrained mind, but could just as well affect the Warborn.

NPC:/talk Are you in fact certain, that none of the Warborn in Karkasse suffer the same symptoms? I'd be curious to find out if that is the case. If they were to suffer the same nightmares or hallucinations, but no other races do...

NPC:/talk That could prove my theory that the Warborn in fact are the Nuons reborn. We long know that they resemble them visually. Not the horns or facial features, but their strong build and tall stature all match the ancient descriptions.

NPC:/talk And the Wyrmkin's nightmares getting worse in their presence might be a subconscious reaction they have, by recognizing their enemies from the ancient war.

NPC:/talk Of course I still have no clue what really caused these nightmares to begin with, but my reasons to explain the connection between the two makes too much sense to be wrong, right?

NPC:/talk I do have a very unfounded theory what caused the earthquake and the reaction that followed though, if you care to hear it. But again, this is just me guessing now.

NPC:/talk What if, not Misagon, but another dragon that fought in the Dragon War was asleep under Karkasse the entire time and is starting to wake up now. It's movement might have caused the earth to shake.

NPC:/talk And since it was sleeping this entire time, it might not be aware that the war is over, so it's using its mind controlling powers to reach out to the Wyrmkin.

NPC:/talk Could be true, right? Well, I fully intend on getting to the bottom of this now. You have officially convinced me to move back to Karkasse at once and help with your investigation, @PC_NAME(0)!


Interact with the Object to accept quest

Stage summary:

Return to Lavis in the Karkasse Ridgelands and report to Estio.


NPC:/talk There you are! I was starting to worry about you! Did you find Artena and was she able to help us?

NPC:/talk You travelled all the way to the Mysthrane Gorge on Auroria to talk to her? Man, that's quite a journey. I'm glad to see you made it safe.

NPC:/talk And this information you got from her is a lot to take in at once. To be honest, I don't think I understood about half of it, but if she's on her way back to Karkasse, I can ask her directly for clarification.

NPC:/talk Funny she brought up the Warborn suffering similar symptoms as the Wyrmkin though... or actually not funny at all, because something has happened in your absence.

NPC:/conclude But you must be weary from your long journey back, so I don't want to burden you before you find time to recover. Come talk to me, once you're ready to continue our investigation.
