Quests> Dreaming Cow

ID: 10280
Dairy Cow Dreamland
Dreaming Cow

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Don’t have the item "Dreamland Crate: Rank 1"

Don’t have the item "Dreamland Crate: Rank 2"

Don’t have the item "Dreamland Crate: Rank 3"

Don’t have the item "Dreamland Crate: Rank 4"

Don’t have the item "Dreamland Crate: Rank 5"


NPC:/greet Hey there! I'm Billy, Messenger of the Dream Warden! What does a Dream Warden do? Well, you could say that he watches dreams.

NPC:I'm the Dream Warden of Dairy Cows in Ahnimar! /nod I came here to wake up my Dairy Cows from their endless slumber. It seems like they need help waking up.

NPC:They must be having some fantastic dreams to be asleep for so long! Maybe there are some bad role models in their dreams. /nope I can't just leave them stuck in the dreamland forever!

NPC:/point That's why I'm talking you now! Would you defeat the illusions in their dreams, @PC_NAME(0)? You can find them in the Dream of the Dreaming Cow right by you.

NPC:/gratitude I'll be watching you as you take care of the illusions! The more you help, the better my reward will be!

NPC:Keep in mind that once you enter, all active buffs and debuffs are canceled and won't be restored even after you leave.



Stage summary:

Explore the Dreamland on behalf of the Dream Warden.
Your Prestige and Reward Level go up as you defeat various monsters.
Rewards will be granted based on your final Reward Level when you return to the Dream Warden.

[How to earn Prestige]
- Defeating a Basic monster: 30pts
- Defeating an Elite monster: 100pts
- Defeating a Boss monster: 500pts

All points earned are divided equally between all party members (up to 5 people).

Keep in mind that once you enter, all active buffs and debuffs are canceled and won't be restored even after you leave.



1004 exp