Quests> Botanical Research

ID: 10189
Growlgate Isle
Botanical Research

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 50 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Member of "Pirate" faction

No "Botanical Research" quest completed

No quest "Botanical Research" in progress

Not completed the quest "Botanical Research"


NPC:Bloody hell, what are you looking at?! Never seen a pirate read a book or what?

NPC:Just because I chose to be an outlaw doesn't mean I'm uneducated! I know a lot about botany, so what?

NPC:Flowers are the language of love and presenting the right one, will land you with the ladies every time! Or well... most of the times... sometimes...

NPC:Anyway, heard you were thinking about going into that magical Garden of the Gods, yeah? Well if you bring back any Botanical Specimen you find in there for me, I'll make it worth your trouble.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Collect 20 Botanical Specimen in the Garden of the Gods and deliver them to the Botanist.

Botanial Specimen can be found in the Garden of the Gods, at the Navel of the World.



Stage summary:

Deliver the Botanical Specimen to the Botanist.


NPC:Back to mock me about my interest in flowers again?

NPC:Oh, you actually went to the Garden of the Gods and brought back some Botanical Specimen for me?

NPC:Now we're talking! Thanks a bunch, lad, these flowers are extra special, being from a legendary place and all.

NPC:Here, let me show you my appreciation by sharing my first batch of domesticated flowers with you. You can grow these babies on Auroria.


Report to NPC