Quests> A Special Tree

ID: 10117
Commemorative Event
A Special Tree


Basic requirements:

Level 30 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Must not be under the effect of ""


NPC:/dialogue @PC_NAME(0), I need your help! I brought a very special Cypress Tree from the southern lands to the Snowfang Isle.

NPC:/dialogue I know you'll think I'm crazy when I'm saying this, but it is magical! It can produce small blessings for those who care for it.

NPC:/dialogue And well, I've cared for it my entire life and now that it finally is ready to return the favor to me and the residents of Snowflower Village, Bandits have gotten wind of it.

NPC:/dialogue If you can help me defend the tree from the bandits, I'll allow you to grab one of its gifts for yourself. What do you say?


Stage summary:

Protect the Cypress Tree until it finished producing gifts.

You can upgrade your Snowball Basket up to three times by putting more Snowball into the basket.

Defeat the enemies approaching, using the skills provided by your Snowball Basket.

Boxes will appear, once the Cypress Tree is done.


Interact with the Object