Buffs> Rank 2 ArcheLife

ID: 7150
Rank 2 ArcheLife
Regenerates Online Labor +15 every 5 min.
Regenerates Offline Labor +10 every 5 min.
20 Loyalty Tokens daily upon first login
XP gain +14%
Loot Drop Rate +14%
Production Time -11%
Vocation Point gain +11%
Honor Points from monster hunting +140
Honor Points during Conflicts and Sieges +2
Honor Points during War +6
(+2 during Leech Mode and per Leech killed)
Added reward when all arenas end +1
XP loss upon death -60%
Durability loss upon death -60%
Rebirth Trauma -45 sec
Auction Trade Fee -50%
Auction Listing Fee -80%
Allows you to build houses and pay taxes.
1% Auction Fee for APEX
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