Quests> The Lost Mentor

ID: 9000187
The Lost Mentor
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 50



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "The Great Cartographer"


NPC:The last Great Cartographer I saw was Nathan Croft – my dear mentor, thanks to whom I became a Wanderer.

NPC:The last time I saw him, he was going to equip an expedition ship and set off to explore uncharted areas of our world,

NPC:wanted to discover new lands, change and rewrite familiar land maps. Since then no one has heard of him again. The only thing we have is the riddle that he left us before leaving.

NPC:Many tried to solve it and find Mr. Nathan, but all in vain. @PC_NAME(0), you are our last hope. If the Great Cartographer cannot solve it, then no one can!


Accept quest from NPC
Quest items

Stage summary:

Solve the riddle and find the missing cartographer

Death and pansy are in the air here
The Nuon race found death here
Another race also met their end at this place
After all, thousands of deaths are filling this place
At the fortress of red
Two dead creatures stared at each other in silence
The gaze of one is directed into unknown
Forget prohibitions and listen to him to find what he knows.



Accept quest from UI