Quests> A heros pure soul

ID: 9000125
Chapter 102: Secrets, spirited away
14. A heros pure soul
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 52

Basic requirements:

Level 52 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "The legend of the holy sword"


NPC:Have you already attempted to retrieve the sword? How did it go?

You:Yes... I think there is no way.

NPC:It is a shame. I thought the kings power was definitely inside of you... but there is a heavy burden on your soul. You will not be able to retrieve the sword until your soul calms down.

NPC:I can help you with this, there is a ritual that we sometimes perform in the temple. You can help us with this.

NPC:Only very pure water from a special well can ease your soul. Only the very refreshing air from our purest mountains can calm the pain and only an old friend will heal a broken soul.

NPC:It is not as complicated as this may sound, do not worry. You can retrieve the pure water from our natural lake, it is not very far from here. Our purest mountains you can find in Rookborn and I am sure you have many great friends.

NPC:But... my heart is telling me that there is a very special person you need... and this person is on Freedich Island. Well then, good luck my friend!

NPC:Oh, I might have forgot to mention, the soul is a very delicate thing and has to be calmed in a timely manner. If you do not manage to finish this ritual in three hours, you might have to start all over again.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Dive into the lake


Visit specific place

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Climb the pure mountains


Visit specific place

Stage summary:

- Dive into the lake
- Climb the pure mountains
- Talk to an old friend


NPC:Oh my god, it's you! I never had time to thank you for everything you have done! Do you remember? Long ago I asked you to swim all over the ocean to put up warning signs to warn our travelers about dangers.

NPC:Thanks to you, till this day many travelers come to me and are very thankful because they are still alive. Without you, this would not have been possible!

NPC:I always think about you and remember you, and I don't have enough words to show you my gratitude and how thankful I am for what you have done. You have saved countless of lives without asking for anything in return.

NPC:Your soul is so pure... almost like a kings soul. It is a pity there are no longer kings in our world...

NPC:Oh, something happened. I have to get back to work. Thank you for everything, if you ever need my assistance – you can count on me!



Stage summary:

You have failed the quest, "A heros pure soul"


Stage map markers:


NPC:You have already returned? I can see that the ritual worked and your soul is at ease! Now... you truly deserve this sword.


Report to NPC