Quests> Backstage

ID: 9000123
Chapter 102: Secrets, spirited away
12. Backstage
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 52

Basic requirements:

Level 52 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Protect the Diamond Shores"


NPC:We have managed to capture the Captain of the Cultists and properly interrogate him. During the interrogation we managed to find out who they really are.

NPC:They call themselves the ''Followers of the Eternal Overlord''. The Eternal Overlords are creatures that have ruled during chaos and destruction, when there were no countries and no laws... and all the small races have fought with each other for survival. The Eternal Overlords had served a certain Elite and their Generals.

NPC:We still have not figured out who ''Eilat'' is, but besides hearing about this strange story... which is not found or stored in any archive, we also managed to locate some underwater ruins, in which there is suspected to be more detailed information about the whole story around the Overlords and their General.

NPC:If we want to understand better who our enemies are and who we are dealing with, then we need to recover the manuscripts that are stored deep under the water. And... who can be a better candidate than you for this mission?!

NPC:So please go and head to the ruins of the Ancient Temple in the Arcadian Sea and find out everything you can!

NPC:But be careful – the magic of the Temple does not only guard their secrets but also protects it from uninvited guests.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Find the Secret Manuscript

A Dahuta Bubble will be very useful. (You can buy it on the Auctions House or craft it yourself on an Regal Alchemy Table)



Stage map markers:


NPC:Welcome back, I'm glad to see you alive! Did you retrieve the Manuscript? Good! Give it to me, my people will be able to decrypt it. After all, if we want to beat this enemy, we must learn as much as possible about them.

NPC:And... we must win! Don't worry, our best specialists will decrypt this manuscript. Soon we will finally find out what is happening in our world.


Report to NPC

