Quests> Raid! Attack the monsters dungeon!

ID: 9000049
Chapter 101: The Order of Nui
24. Raid! Attack the monsters dungeon!
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 52

Basic requirements:

Level 52 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Darkness is impenetrable"


NPC:Great work adventurer! You have perfectly dealed with many problems of people all around our world and your contribution to the lives of them is invaluable! But it's too early for us to stop. In the world, everyday new problems arise that we cannot pass by.

NPC:Our mother, the Goddess Nui spoke with me. She is very proud and glad over all your victories over the enemies and she wanted you to do something else, On each, the western and also the eastern continents there are several dungeons of the forces of evil.

NPC:Inside those dungeons, there are very powerful enemies and they are recovering and saving up their power. While they are inside those dungeons, they do not pose any danger for us... however, one day they will gain enough power to break out and attack our world.

NPC:Then the unthinkable will begin, a wave of danger, violence and robbery will pour into our lands. Alot of people will die, lose their homes, families and friends. We need to eliminate them while they are still weak, we need to attack while we can.

NPC:Destroy the enemies in each of the dungeons, then we can postpone their plans a little bit, the great Goddess Nui will be with you in this battle, go! Fight! Safe our world.



Stage summary:

Enter to dungeons and destroy the enemies.



Stage summary:

Enter to dungeons and destroy the enemies.


Stage summary:

Enter to dungeons and destroy the enemies.


Hunt monster

Stage summary:

Talk to Temple Priestess


NPC:Perfect! The Goddess Nui wasn't in vain when entrusting this task to you, you did an outstanding job! We prayed for you to protect you and in return you safely coped with the enemies and protected our Goddess Nui.

NPC:Great work, I have a great reward for you, since you have successfully completed such a difficult and dangerous task. Take it, it will be useful for your further adventures.



Honor points
5500 honor points