Quests> A mysterious stranger's trace

ID: 9000037
Chapter 101: The Order of Nui
12. A mysterious stranger's trace
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 52

Basic requirements:

Level 52 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Strange healing"


NPC:Well well, after you have brought the local bandits back to life, we still had one more problem. The person who made them drink the magicians potion is still not punished. We have interrogated bandits who have returned to their families,

NPC:they remember the events only blurry and the whole picture does not match at all. But they did say something interesting, after the last unsuccessful attack on caravans they only had a few people left.

NPC:There werent enough supplies nor gold left so back in their camp a old man approached them. The bandits did not feel the need to attack the old man, because the old man said he could stand up for himself.

NPC:He was wearing a robe and his face was hidden behind the hood so they could not see his face, he then told them about a strong potion. He told about its miraculous effect and promised the bandits that after they drink it their strength would grow at certain given times.

NPC:The bandits were frustrated and in despair, they were afraid of failing so without hesistating they took the potion and drank it. True... in return, they had to give all of their savings to the old man,

NPC:but the desire to be more powerful and to dominate everyone else was much stronger than the feeling of greed. After they drank the potions, all of the bandits began to feel drowsy, they got very exhausted and tired until everyone quickly fell asleep in their camp.

NPC:The next morning, noone remembered what happened, during the night and while they were sleeping, their memories about the old man was completely wiped out. And then they started wandering arround just like how you found them.

NPC:We need to find this old man, it is not clear wether this was the only case or if he has given this potions to someone else aswell. We need to speak with the local residents.

NPC:Perhaps they have seen something and can help us out further, find out who has seen something and if, what they have seen. We need all the information we can get.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Interrogate the local residents


NPC:I do not know who you are, the night you are talking about I was home and very fast asleep, you should try and talk to Julo. He should have been on duty to guard the gates that night. Maybe he has seen something suspicious.


Talk to NPC

Stage summary:

Interrogate the local residents


NPC:Oh, yes... I took over duty for Julo that night. The moon was very bright and perfectly illuminated the whole field. Suddenly, I heard something sneaking up to the gate, I wanted to immediately raise the alarm but then I saw that it was just a chicken.

NPC:Apparently, she had escaped from the cage of a local livestock breeder. He did not sleep that night, I ran to find him and tell him where I had seen his chicken so he was able to catch her. All the rest of my nights duty went without anything suspicious happening.



Stage summary:

Interrogate the local residents


NPC:That night, yes, I could not catch Milady. She had escaped from my cage and she was not given back to my hands. By the sound it was making all arround it seemed like she was close but I could not see anything.

NPC:But thanks to the guard that was on duty that night, he came to me and told me where he saw Milady. Imagine... she almost ran away... I don't know what I would do without her... She is the only thing I have left, if not for her...

NPC:I would have starved to death since long ago. After I finally caught Milady I saw Hakrim in the fields...

NPC:strange, but he was just standing in the feels staring into nothing. I wanted to call out to him for eggs, but changed my mind. You know, Milady has recently begun to lay less eggs...



Stage summary:

Interrogate the local residents


NPC:Oh, hello. I've already told everything I saw to my commander. The report is on his desk, I did not witness much. That evening I had just gotten on my duty and I did not feel so well. You see, the cook again has meant it too well with the herbs for his soup,

NPC:and I had already told him that I had an intollerance to tusmeric... what kind of attack is this?! I was standing on the gates as long as I could and then asked if I could be transfered to the medical unit. After me... hmm, Chaser Sayang was on duty, go and talk to him, maybe he is able to tell you what you are looking for.


Talk to NPC

Stage summary:

Talk to Hakrim


NPC:Oh! It's you whos asking everyone about that night. I know who you are asking about and I am uncomfortable to talk about this... but otherwise there will be no end to it.

NPC:It was a potion trader, he once had worked with the Blue Salt Brotherhood but he was expelled long ago. This man was a very greedy one, he had a great talent in alchemy.

NPC:I constantly tried to think up an idea myself, he wanted to get rich with trading potions but he did not stop with experiments. He learned the ability to hide his appearance... going invisible. The Bluesalt Brotherhood hinders his trade in every way possible

NPC:but they are not powerful enough. That night, it was him, I recognized him by the way he acted. He had sold the potions to the bandits by force and even at that moment he had not given up to squeeze out even the tiniest amount of gold pieces.


Report to NPC

