Quests> An Another Drunken Night

ID: 9000288
Chapter 104: Necronomicon
21. An Another Drunken Night
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 52

Basic requirements:

Level 52 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Brave New World (Of Wine)"


NPC:No, you can't help me. No one can! How can anyone help a girl who fell in love with a dead man? Just leave me be.

NPC:I'm the daughter of Che-Ing. My name is Romia. I met Julian during one of the beautiful moonless nights, when I ran away from the palace and from my annoying father and his servants.

NPC:At first I was afraid and scared of the ghost and wanted to run away, but then I've heard him weeping in sorrow. And then I took that one step... the step that's changed my whole life.

NPC:My poor Julian's been cursed by this damned Empress almost a millenium ago! He says that to set him free he needs true love and the Empress's staff that she used to curse him to begin with.

NPC:And I love him, I do! I love him with all my heart! But I do not have this thrice-damned staff!

NPC:I can't even take my own life to join him in the Hereafter!

NPC:If only you could find Pavitra's staff... I'd give you anything you can possibly wish for.

NPC:Find the owner of the Floating Inn. He's probably heard a lot of tales and fables, perhaps he heard something about Pavitra's Staff too. The inn usually opens closer to the evening.


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Go to the Floating Inn at night


NPC:Hohoho, long time no see! A beer drinking machine, a champion of all dances and the grand savior of stranded boar riders! Pour out an another one for us, Dabert!

NPC:What do you mean you're not drinking tonight? La-la-la, I can't hear you, you didn't drink with me personally yet.

NPC:See? All the more reason to stay here and drink. Of course we won't drink all that much. Do you think I'm an alcoholic or something?


Talk to NPC

Stage summary:

Drink wine


Interact with the Object


NPC:Who the hell do you think I am? Do you respect me, you daft sod? Do you?

NPC:Relax, Gelbin, put your backside back down where it belongs, I feel like I've seen this scene somewhere before. So what brings you to Lutesong Harbor?

NPC:We've gotten tired of the dwarven drinks and decided to become better and more educated. Namely, we're educating ourselves in types of wine. Conveniently enough, a Wine Festival is going on here!

NPC:Dabert, plague be upon ye forge, at least try and look like you're drinking properly. Stick your pinky out, we're all civilized gentlemen here.

NPC:Let's go again.


Talk to NPC

Stage summary:

Drink wine


Interact with the Object

Stage summary:

Bring more wine




NPC:Heeey, well done!


Report to NPC