Quests> Beauty requires money! LvL. 1

ID: 9000109
[Event] The Merchants Day
Beauty requires money! LvL. 1

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 52 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Quest "Beauty requires money" in-progress


NPC:Hello traveler! Have you also come to admire my beauty? Yes, yes, in the whole wide world you’ll not be able to find more beautiful person than me!

NPC:That's all they say: "beauty requires sacrifice," but only ugly people say that! In fact, beauty requires money!

NPC:And a lot of money... You would know how much one meter of silk now costs, how much overseas lipsticks are, caps of neighboring provinces masters and procedures of local healers... I know that!

NPC:My daddy is a merchant, you probably know him. He always indulged me, but as soon as I’ve turned 18 he said: “It’s time for you daughter to become an adult and earn money herself”. How did it just came to his mind?

NPC:Where have you seen the beauty work, and even earned money?! It's just awful! I cried for a week, did not know what to do.

NPC:Well, good thing that I have friends, they did not leave me in a difficult moment. This is what true friendship means! In general, my friend, Dorna, is engaged in trade on the Freedich Island and buys trade pack in exchange for Dragon Essence Stabilizer.

NPC:She promised me a small percentage of income if I would send wanderers to her with their trade pack. Will you help me? You can not deny the offer of the beauty?

NPC:You just need to deliver trade pack to Freedich Island, in exchange for Dragon Essence Stabilizer! And I will also reward you!

You:Remember, I leave this place right at midnight, if you are not in time to report me about the delivered goods – I will not pay you!


Stage summary:

To complete this task, you need to exchange Trade Outlet cargos for Dragon Essence Stabilizer


Stage summary:

You have failed the quest, "Beauty requires money! LvL. 1"



NPC:Trade pack is already delivered? Great job! I can already imagine how ships float to me full of silks, furs, and different spices...

NPC:Thank you for helping the beauty! Here is your reward!



Vocation Badges
3000 vocation badges
Guild EXP
10 guild exp