Quests> Dangerous opposer

ID: 9000054
Titan's Event
Dangerous opposer
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Continue the research"


NPC:They are inside the ice.... they are inside the snow... it will not take long until they will be free to the whole world. They are terrible monsters... they will not spare a single soul. But there is one very dangerous enemy among their rows! He is the worst of them all... His name was Arcan. Before we were attacked I managed to find out something about him, please listen to this...

NPC:Arcan. It was not long before the destruction of the main lands and the salvation of all races on every continent. Arcan served as a lighthouse keeper, the sounds of the sea and the clear night sky... Arcan loved nothing more than this. He could stare at the stars in the sky all night and dream of his first adventure to the big and wide ocean.

NPC:He was dreaming of traveling across the world to far and distant lands, so he started to study marines and ships and built a small boat for himself. When the destruction of the northern continent began, he was patiently staying at his lighthouse paying caution to the sea to see if there were any ships that were lost on their way.

NPC:He would use the lighthouse to guide those lost ships so that they would not collide with other ships or hit a rock and sink. The local residents of the mainland had already began fleeing to other countrys and continents, so barely any living person was left. Now it was Arcan's turn... it was his time to pack all of his things and safe himself...

NPC:but suddenly, an enormous wave covered his lighthouse with him still being inside of it. This wave's destructive force was too much for the small lighthouse to hold up against and Arcan got flooded into the deep depths of the sea... He tried to survive...

NPC:he tried to not swallow the icy water and tried to find some small wood piece to hold onto. There was noone arround... There was nowhere he could possibly reach with the sea not calming down. Arcan knew... it was hopeless to wait for help.

NPC:After a few days had passed and Arcan was still struggling on the sea, going to nowhere, he slowly gave up fighting for his own life. All of his strength had already left him and in the end... the ocean took him. His body was covered with ice and became colder than even the highest northern seas.

NPC:His gaze would have made your body shiver and even the strongest metals could not break the strength of his icy body. After everything was over, he finally washed onto a far away shore. Residents had found his body and brought him to their house, they tried to warm him up using their fireplace and prepared a hot soup.

NPC:But nomatter what they tried, all he felt was pain... and slowly he started to realize, that he will never be the same person again that he was before. He spoke out his gratitude to the residents who had given him a shelter and then left them. He knew that he would not be able to live with other people again.

NPC:He went to the farthest lighthouse he could find, and the raging and dangerous yet beautiful sea once again ... became his home. One day, suddenly an informant came his way, tightly holding onto a letter and giving it to Arcan, the letter told about an gathering army...

NPC:a foe, slowly breaking into our world after centuries of imprinsonment using some kind of seal ritual. People had already heard about Arcan, how strong him and his body were so they went and asked him for help, but Arcan did not know what to say or how to answer them, he knew...

NPC:besides him there probably wasn't any other person that could help and he was slowly getting tired of living alone. He got tired of the icy winds and the dangerous sea... he really wanted to return living with other people, even if things would not go as he wanted first, atleast... he would stop feeling lonely.

NPC:He finally made a decision. He would do it, he would go and help the people in need. Once arrived at the battle, Arcan had proven himself to be the toughest and strongest warrior.

NPC:He managed to prevent the enemy from killing hordes of innocent people while bravely fighting the enemy and leaving only dead corpes one by one. But then... it appeared. Crow... the most dangerous enemy to the whole world, Arcan rushed headlessly into the battle,

NPC:he was ready to beat and seal the enemy again even if it meant giving up his own life for this. Magicians began the ritual of sealing the ancient titan... and when the seal was finally ready to be used to imprison the enemy Arcan suddenly saw the sea... it's full wrath.

NPC:The enemy used an illusion to distract the warriors like he did it with thousands before... now he was also using it on Arcan. He was frozen in his actions, the sea was all arround him, there was no way he could escape this. The seal was enforced...the ancient Titan was sealed...

NPC:but Arcan was locked inside the ice with him. Wait, did you hear this?! They have already begun to break out into our world!

NPC:We cannot wait any longer now, we need to place a ghost lighthouse on top of a big mountain.

NPC:Maybe Arcan is able to remember his true self if he sees this, and perhaps... that will give us more time to prepare for the battle.

NPC:Here, please take this lighthouse and this glider, you will need it to climb ontop of the mountain, hurry!


Accept quest from NPC
Quest items

Stage map markers:


Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Place the the lighthouse on the mountain.



Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Turn on the lighthouse


Interact with the Object

Stage summary:

Talk to Ragula


NPC:Great, we have won time with this, now we just need to make use of this time correctly.

NPC:These monsters are ice creatures... they want warm blood. Please go and alert everyone about the reawakening of this ancient race - we must make this stop.
