Quests> Villains from Serpentis

ID: 9000029
Chapter 101: The Order of Nui
4. Villains from Serpentis

Quest level: 52

Basic requirements:

Level 52 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Turtle, tortoise… so, what’s the correct pronunciation?!"


NPC:Great job! You have perfectly mastered all of our tests. Now we can tell you about ourselves and tell you about our work.

NPC:We are always lurking in the shadow... simple people do not need to know of our existence. We call ourselves the Order. The Order of Nui. We worship our great mother Nui.

NPC:She created our Order when people were forced to leave their original continents. The founders of the Order went together with the refuuges to other lands and since then we have been working and trying to improve each of the continents.

NPC:This work is not easy. Everyday we watch events happening in all corners of our world. Sometimes we do not interfere but other times we have no choice but to interfere with the events of this world.

NPC:And always, nomatter what happens, we act secretly, with noone seeing us. If people found out about our work... we would not be able to carry out our secret duties. Have you ever wondered... whereever you are, there is always a statue of our great Nui arround?!

NPC:We are everywhere. We observe. We help. We fight. However... we are no villains. Our mother, Goddess Nui told us to find you. Something dangerous is ahead of us, we need people like you.

NPC:You can act openly and perform in battles against the forces of the evil. In addition there are many glorious fighters that already speak of you as a brave warrior who does not shy away from hard work ever.

NPC:Now about your first real task... Serpentis... a very dangerous place. There is an entrance to Serpentis at the small refuuge camp in Exeloch. Right next to is is a very haunted place with dangerous creatures, so be careful.

NPC:But the escaped prisoners from Serpentis represent a even bigger danger for this region. You have to destroy as many enemies as possible! Be careful, they are much stronger than the enemies you can find outside of serpentis...



Stage summary:

Hunt 30 Lost Tribe Deserters



Stage summary:

Talk to Lerman


NPC:Great! I almost doubted your strength and your courage... but I was wrong! Now it will be alot safer here. Thank you for your help, please accept this gift for the great work you have done!


Report to NPC


Honor points
100 honor points