Quests> The Riddle of Mirage

ID: 9000293
Chapter 104: Necronomicon
26. The Riddle of Mirage
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 52

Basic requirements:

Level 52 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Eanna Nimush's Song"


NPC:Daru are the most successful traders of the world for a reason. No one is more cunning than they are. You didn't think that Mirage is merely a creation of their masters, did you?

NPC:The power of Nui herself has let them build the isle and hide it away from prying eyes. But that wasn't enough. They took a fragment of Nui's power and keep it to themselves.

NPC:Head Priest Gaul of May managed to get some agents of the Order of Nui to the isle. They managed to steal one ancient manuscript from the Mirage Towers and find the hidden cache that contains the fragment.

NPC:You just need to decypher this text and that's all.

You:Wait, but this is complete gibberish. The lines don't even make sense nor is there any continuity to speak of!

NPC:You're smart, magister. You'll figure it out.


Accept quest from NPC
Quest items

Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Solve the Riddle of Mirage


Interact with the Object


NPC:Greetings, magister. I knew you'd be able to figure it out.
