Quests> Flickering Darkness

ID: 9000269
Chapter 104: Necronomicon
3. Flickering Darkness
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 52

Basic requirements:

Level 52 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Necronomicon"


You:I must hurry and find someone who can help. Immediately.


Interact with the Object to accept quest
Accept quest from UI

Stage summary:

I must hurry and find someone who can help. Immediately.


NPC:It's a wonderful day, isn't it? Diamond Shores really live up to their name during days like these.

NPC:You don't seem well. Stay still and let me take a look at you.

NPC:Your aura is flickering with darkness. This isn't your average curse, it's something way worse. The curse of the Necronomicon has many levels and layers to it. It looks like it was weaved out of a great amount of ancient spells and incantations.

NPC:The perihelion has words from one ancient language, the apex has words from an entirely different one. It's not surprising, given the reputation of it's creator... Samael Feloni.

NPC:I don't have any good news for you. At all. You would need to have access to the original spells this curse was weaved out of. I can't do anything otherwise.

NPC:At best I can delay the inevitable... but not for long.

NPC:Very well. However, I don't have the grimoire I need for this.

NPC:Accursed Wyrmkin Scouts constantly steal my belongings during the night while I sleep. They take everything that's not bolted down to the floor.

NPC:Including the grimoire we both need. Get it for me and in the meanwhile I'll prepare the rest.


Stage map markers:

Stage summary:

Take back the grimoire parts from Starving Wyrmkin Scouts.


Collect item


NPC:Perfect, that's exactly what I need. I'll start working on it immediately.




Choose item
Choose item
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