Quests> A Shy Request

ID: 11067
A Shy Request

Quest level: 50

Basic requirements:

Level 50 - unlimited




NPC:/waving Long time no see, @PC_NAME(0). I've been rooting for you!

You:/waving Hi? I guess I remember seeing you around here...
Thanks for the support! And let me know if you ever need any help! I'll make time for you.

NPC:/happy Really? That's so nice!
I actually do have something I need help with.

You:/dialogue Sure, how can I help?

NPC:Well... There is someone I really...respect.
I want to give that person some chocolate. I don't have enough cocoa beans though.
Mysterious Cocoa Bean, if you are sure you can spare the time, can you get me 2?

You:(She seems shy. It must have taken her a lot of courage to ask you for help.)


Accept quest from NPC

Stage summary:

Collect 2 Mysterious Cocoa Beans.
Receive 1 Mysterious Cocoa Bean by mail every 30 minutes, up to 2 a day.




NPC:/happy Thank you! I finally have enough cocoa beans to make chocolate!
Can you stay here and keep me company while I make it?

You:(The smell of chocolate being made is amazing.)

NPC:/happy Thank you for waiting, @PC_NAME(0). The truth is, the chocolate is actually for you.
I'm mortified I had to ask you for the main ingredient, but I poured in all the respect... No, what I feel for you is more than respect! I poured my heart into making this chocolate, so please accept it, @PC_NAME(0)!

NPC:/blush Please accept my chocolate!


Report to NPC