Quests> Melody-keeper

ID: 11022
4. Melody-keeper
Requires precompleted quest:
Opens access to the quest:

Quest level: 55

Basic requirements:

Level 55 - unlimited



Stage requirements:

Completed the quest "Melody-linker"


NPC:/dialogue I see. So, you are in line with both the Crimson Watch and Windwhip. In that case, I will share what I know with you.

NPC:/dialogue Long story short, the bards no longer exist. More precisely, I was not able to inherit their existence.

NPC:/dialogue You see, my mother was the last bard. This was a long, long time ago.

NPC:/talk My mother passed away...and I know nothing about melodies and sounds. Other Firran might be baffled by this, but I didn't really want to learn the ways of the bard.

NPC:/dialogue If they knew what kind of life my mother lived and how she died, and if they knew the pain the family suffered through, they wouldn't say they would want to become a bard either. I guess there's no point in elaborating further.

NPC:/talk Yet sounds and melodies are not something one could simply inherit. They say it's not a choice. That's probably why the bards were around with the Firran for quite a long time throughout history.

NPC:/dialogue It must be why my son Corliss... Ah, never mind. Try speaking with my husband first. I-I don't feel so well.


Stage summary:

Talk to at 神之鞭临时驻地 in 西部大草原.


NPC:/talk Hello. I'm Carmo. Corliss is my son. He once said that he'd like to inherit melodies, but he seems to have changed his mind now.

NPC:/worry I'm aware that the Windwhip, no, Firran are not in a good situation right now. We'd like to help out, but...

NPC:/dialogue One cannot simply inherit or own sounds and melodies through sheer will. Not to mention the burden a bard must carry as his or her destiny... It's not something any ordinary individual can handle.

NPC:/dialogue I know this because I took close care of Ciana's mother, and stayed by her side.

NPC:/talk So nobody can force Corliss or Ciana to become bards if they do not desire to become one. It's really not something you can force someone into.

NPC:/fact We had a tough life... If possible, I'd like Corliss to do what he wants to do with his life.

NPC:/dialogue I understand that you want to meet Corliss, but I don't want everyone to keep on pressuring him. Mitzi, the elder Firran, also knows a lot about bards.

NPC:/talk I recommend you to seek Mitzi. Even if you happen to Corliss though, please do not talk about bards.


Stage summary:

Talk to at 神之鞭临时驻地 in 西部大草原.


NPC:Who are you?

Linked data is not found!