Guides> Hiram Gear (8.0)

2024.05.07 18:26
Chapter 1 - “Easy options”
Chapter 2 - Hiram Daily/Weekly Quests (new)
Chapter 3 - Extra Hiram Dailies
Chapter 4 - Garden of the Gods (new)
Chapter 5 - Making Hiram Gear
Chapter 6 - Commonly used stats
Chapter 7 - Farming Hiram Gear
Chapter 8 - Upgrading your gear
Chapter 9 - Miscellaneous
Chapter 10 - Quest locations

Important note: to avoid accidentally feeding your gear into another piece, lock your pieces as soon as you have the stats you were aiming for.

“Easy options”
First things first, if you are a new player on ArcheRage, make sure to grab the support pack which includes a set of divine radiant hiram gear, you can find more information by clicking here.
If you are a returning player, you can now get a returning player pack which includes celestial radiant hiram gear, there’s more info here.
You can open the hiram gears by choosing the specific weapon, armor, or instrument type you want. The stats, however, will be random. There will be a total of 3 synthesis stats, and I say if 2 or 3 of those stats suit your build, keep it and try to reroll while you upgrade your piece.
Completing achievements is another way to get specific gear pieces with random stats, however, these pieces will start at grand instead of celestial, so you’ll have more tries to reroll.
The later achievements mostly give infusions, and completing an entire set of achievement awards tempers, solar tempers for the first set, lunar tempers for the second.

Hiram Daily/Weekly Quests
To complete the above achievements, there’s different quests you can do, as seen below.
At the end of the guide, you can find screenshots with the quest locations.
The weekly quest rewards are as follows:
  • Diamond Shores: 1x [Decrystallization Scroll]Choose one: 42x [Mysterious Hiram Infusion] or 56x[Hiram Awakening Scroll]
  • Exeloch/Sungold/Reedwind:Choose one: 70x [Hiram Awakening Scroll] or 56x [Mysterious Hiram Infusion]
  • West Hiram Mountains:Choose one: 70x [Radiant Hiram Awakening Scroll] or 56x [Radiant Hiram Infusion]
If you still need to awaken your gear, I strongly advise you to select the scroll rewards for every quest, because the achievements will supply you with extra infusions, as noted above. While you kill mobs for the quests, more infusions and scrolls will drop too, except in Diamond Shores.
The EHM daily quest rewards are as follows:
  • Mammoth/Treant: each gives 10x [Brilliant Hiram Awakening Scroll]
The EHM weekly quest rewards are as follows:
  • Amaitian Meadows: 80x [Exalted Hiram Infusion] or 30x [Brilliant Hiram Awakening Scroll]
  • Waterfall: 150x [Radiant Hiram Infusion] or 15x [Brilliant Hiram Awakening Scroll]

Garden of the Gods
Inside the Garden, the fairies will offer a daily quest: Fairy Request. Once you accept it, you will have a small UI screen that keeps track of points you collected. There will also be a buff at your health bar that shows which rank you currently have.
The quest has the following details regarding how to collect points, top one is 1 instead of 5;
For one T5 awakening chance per day, you need to achieve a minimum of rank 6, as shown in the data below. Overall, I’d say tryharding for a rank 12 chest isn’t truly necessary to get the most out of this quest for your time spent.
Some things to keep in mind:
  • Every rank will require more points to continue to the following rank.
  • In groups, the gained points are split between those who have the quest active.
  • When you die, you will lose points and risk degrading to a lower rank.
  • To safely exit, go to character select. You can re-enter to hand in or continue the quest.

Fishing in the Garden
If you’re not geared yet but you wanna prep somewhat for when you later get T4 Hiram gear to awaken, here’s something you can do.
As the quest info screenshot previously showed, your quest updates for 10 points per fish caught; the fish you acquire when auto fishing with the first skill from your fishing rod.
This data is based on famed fishing + decreased production time buffs + dawnsdrop boots.
The buffs I used are as follows:
  • Vocation hastener scroll
  • Vocation expertise tonic
  • Merchant’s costume: basic
  • Plushie pet with pacifier equipped
To achieve rank 1 for the minimal reward, 2500 points (100 from time spent), I spent 27 minutes fishing, and I used 240 bait worms and 720 labor. This can easily be done in one peace period. You can even reach rank 2 (2500+2900) in the full hour:
Side note: you could do math with the amount of total points divided by the points for a fish to get a rough estimate but that does not include points for time spent. Time spent depends on your production speed: buffs and prof rank. If you spend more time fishing, you’d have more points from the time than I have.
Rank 6 is a total of 21.600 points, according to this data this would require about 4.5h of fishing to complete.
Keep in mind that you’ll use more time if your prof is lower or if you’re missing some buffs.
Taking the time and labor into account, I’d recommend sticking to fishing for rank 2 at most. This will help you a bunch when saving up mats for your future awakenings, while working on the lower tiers.

Extra Garden Info
Newly added to the Garden is the ranking system. The lowest highest extra weekly reward possible are shown below..
Completing the daily quest at least once should reward you with the unique box. Reaching rank 12 and more daily will give you a shot at the eternal box, and of course there’s the other five ranks in between these two.
Remember: if you want to grind a higher reward, after rank 6 you do not get points during peace time.

Extra Hiram Dailies
Open up the marketplace by pressing [N] and type in “quest” the search bar, see below. Make sure to “buy” the free quests every day for an extra 2x[Mysterious Hiram Infusion] and 5x ea [Hiram Awakening Scroll] and [Radiant Hiram Awakening Scroll].
On top of that, there are also achievements for completing these dailies, which give you a handful of hiram gear pieces and a decent amount of infusions. You can find them in the same place as the regular hiram daily achievements shown above in this guide.

Making Hiram Gear
In this patch it is possible to “buy” Hiram gear. All quest armors are available at the armor merchant, and there are two types of weapon boxes at the weapon merchant.
Important: per the maintenance on May 17th 2022 the instrument box got added to weapon merchant. Since 7.5 it is possible to buy a ranged weapon box with choice of bow and gun.
Every new character ofc still acquires quest gear from the story quests, and your quests will give feed and scrolls to upgrade them, but it is possible to acquire everything anew and try again with easy rerolls. See screenshots of merchant UI below.
Any of the below armor boxes will work, their difference is only in looks. The only choice is between leather, cloth, or plate, which are all defined in the names.
After buying an armor and/or gear box, you can buy the feed for it at the general merchant, as seen below. When done feeding you can buy the necessary scrolls.
[Removed from the game] The Adventurer’s evenstone can be used to extract all materials from failed pieces, so it’s easier to start over on specific ones. Do NOT use the regular evenstone that’s right below.
Once you figured out which pieces from the support pack need replacing, time to start the feeding process. Here’s an example of a leather jerkin from the Armor Merchant. It requires two [Story Quest Infusion: Rank 1] to max out at its current stage. One or two should be the usual amount for this stage.
Below is an example of the first awakening: it uses one [Equipment Awakening Scroll Rank 1] from the general merchant, has 100% success, and does not use labor.
After awakening, the armor and weapons will be Radiant Explorer’s gear. This will add the first stat, so I recommend starting over if it’s not the stat you want. It will be one of the 5 main stats: strength, agility, spirit, stamina, or intelligence. Check the cropped screenshot below:
Only after you awaken and get the right stat at once, feed and awaken it to the next level, then you can use the free rerolls for the second stat, which will be added after the second awakening.
Radiant Explorer’s gear will require [Story Quest Infusion: Rank 2] to upgrade, and then [Equipment Awakening Scroll Rank 2] to awaken. Both can be found at the general merchant.
Naturally, the [Story Quest Infusion: Rank 3] from the general merchant are used to feed the Brilliant Explorer’s gear. If you feed straight until unique and haven’t used any rerolls yet, it will prompt this warning because you can only save up to 5 attempts at a time. If you do need to reroll the 2nd stat, do so first.
Once you have the two desired stats, you will have to go to the Proven Warrior Workbench in your resident hero hall in Marianople or Austera. The [Equipment Awakening Scroll Rank 3] is not available at the general merchant, it must be crafted. (see ss below)
Important: be 100% sure you have the correct stats to use your resources most efficiently.
(This does not matter for shields/bows, because their stat pools are swapped, as noted before)

Commonly used stats
Notes: Swiftblade melees use dual wield instead of 2h, and they use crit damage in PvP. Gunners can also use def pen instead of crit damage.

Farming Hiram Gear
Let’s start off with the fact that Hiram gear does not drop in the same zones as scrolls and infusions. The division is as follows:
Hiram gear zonesInfusions/awakening scrolls zones
  • Diamond Shores - Reedwind
  • Heedmar - Sungold Fields
  • Nuimari - Exeloch
  • Marcala - Western Hiram Mnt
  • Calmlands - Eastern Hiram Mnt (no scrolls)
Next up: not all mobs in Auroria drop Hiram by default. In the gear zones, only the ones tagged with [Abyssal Legion] will have a chance of gear, there’s an example in the screenshot below:
The same goes for Reedwind, Sungold Fields, and Exeloch: mobs without the tag won’t drop hiram related items.
West Hiram Mnt. is the only exception at the moment: all mobs there will have a chance to drop scrolls and/or infusions.
Let’s turn back to gear farming. Once you get a gear drop from the Abyssal Legion mobs in one of the gear zones, it will be one of the following types:
  • Cloth armor
  • Leather armor
  • Plate armor
  • 1h weapon
  • 2h weapon
  • Instrument
Unlike the support pack or achievement items, these unidentified gears will drop a random item with random stats. Here’s the leather type as example:
While you farm, all the types will drop randomly, though certain ones will be more rare than others, such as instruments. Also, I generally experience that the one I need the most will drop the least, as if the game knows and likes to annoy me…

Actually, when identifying the gear I experience the same thing, where I get a bunch of stuff I don’t need, like swords or scepters as a healer. Can just feed the stuff you don’t need, however, so no big loss. It’s just “a little” annoying.

Upgrading your gear
At the bottom of your bag, you find the gear upgrade button. There you can synthesize your hiram gear with hiram infusions.
The amount of gold required depends on the experience granted by the infusions: more experience = more gold. It will always cost 20 labor per synthesis.
When the grade of your piece increases, such as the [Epic] -> [Legendary] example below, you have the option to reroll one stat to a random other stat in that stat pool. In this case, I could reroll stamina to either strength, spirit, intelligence, or agility.

Note: It is possible to save up to 5 chances to reroll a stat. You can use these chances when you click replace effects at the top of the synthesis screen.

When you click the magnifying glass button below the experience bar on the right end, you can see the complete stat pool.
If you max out the grade of your hiram piece, it is possible to reroll stats still with the use of a [Serendipity Stone], however, I’d recommend grinding an entirely new piece and saving these (expensive) stones for your costume and underwear.

Awakening Hiram
Once your hiram piece hits its max grade, you can try to awaken it to upgrade it to the next tier. The current tiers available in ArcheRage are:

TierMax grade
  • T1: HiramCelestial
  • T2: Radiant HiramDivine
  • T3: Brilliant HiramEpic
  • T4: Glorious HiramEternal
  • T5: Exalted HiramEternal
To awaken T1, you need 10x of the scroll on the left, and to awaken T2, you will need 25x in the middle. For T3, 50x of the right side scroll is required.
The various daily quests I mentioned before are the main way to get these scrolls, aside from grinding the mobs in the infusion/scroll zones I listed.
The awakening UI can be found either by right-clicking on your scrolls, or by clicking the gear upgrade button in your bag. Every try costs 300 labor.
As you can see below, the process has a chance to fail. Fortunately, the system also includes fail stacks: the more you fail, the higher your success chance is on the next try.
It’s possible to buy items to increase the success rate in the prestige and loyalty stores:
For the first quill, you require 50 of the T1 awakening scrolls, while the second quill uses 100 of the T2 awakening scrolls. Both times, you will acquire one special scroll that has an increased awakening chance, preserves the temper, and prevents crystallisation:
When the awakening process fails, it either crystallizes, or it doesn’t. Once it does crystallize, you can buy a scroll for 10k honor to revert it. It doesn’t require labor to use.
And when your awakening process succeeds, the amount of experience you fed into your piece will carry over to the next tier. For example, a divine Radiant Hiram with less than 10% experience will become unique with low % exp at Brilliant. Yet, if you had maxed out the experience of the divine to 100%, the Brilliant piece will be close to celestial instead.
All that is left is to get your newly awakened piece to the last grade!
If you have any questions, feel free to dm me in-game or on the forum!
There’s a short list of other information at the bottom, and the screenshots of the quest locations, as promised.

Good luck with the grind!
- Aviendha

  • It is strongly advised to increase your larceny proficiency to decrease the amount of labor you spend on identifying both the gear and the infusions.
  • I do not recommend grinding gear in Diamond Shores or Golden Ruins, as the abyssal legion mobs there are cluttered with basic mobs that do not drop Hiram whatsoever.
  • You can feed leftover hiram gear into your chosen gear pieces.
  • There are two custom world boss dailies that drop 10x [Unidentified Hiram Infusion] and/ or 5x [Improved Infusion Supply Kit] each. You will need to complete the custom race chapter 33 before you have access to both. The questline from chapter 30-33 starts in Golden Ruins. Information on the world boss spawns can be found in the Daily Schedule, marked yellow:
  • The Halcyona war instance, and also Crimson and Grimghast Rift quests reward you with [Improved Infusion Supply Kit], which offers you the choice of 1x [Mysterious Hiram Infusion], 1x [Radiant Awakening Scroll], or 3x [Mysterious Abyssal Enhancer].
  • Crimson Rift stage 2 gives 10+20x [Radiant Infusion Supply Kit] at quests 4/5.
  • Grimghast Rift stage 2 gives 30x[Radiant Infusion Supply Kit] @the green portal.
  • The Fall of Hiram City instance rewards up to 15x[Mysterious Hiram Infusion], depending on how many refugees your raid has saved...
  • If your guild has unlocked the custom content and is level 4 or higher, your guild leader can invest in the extra daily quest that awards 3x [Decrystallization Scroll Fragment]. When you collect ten, you can combine them into one scroll to save 10k honor.
  • Another custom guild daily is the quest to kill Dahuta in the Sea of Drowned Love dungeon, just south of Freedich. This quest rewards 8x [Improved Infusion Supply Kit]. This requires your guild to be level 8.
  • Keep an eye on the login tracker in the daily schedule for extra infusions!
  • Important! If you want to unsocket a gem in t3 piece below divine while you had max gems at t2, you will lose a socket slot after extracting until the t3 piece reaches divine!
  • Side note: when gemming your gear, alchemy proficiency lowers the cost to a minimum of 300 labor per gem, instead of 500.

Hiram Tutorial Quests
If you somehow missed the tutorial quests as you progressed with your green quests when you started on the server, you can find them by looking for the tutorial NPCs in your main city, just outside the entrance to the hero hall. Not only does this show how to synthesize and add gems, it will reward you with some useful items, like an auto-loot battle pet orb.

Important! Make sure to not accidentally skip a step/quest, read carefully!

Example from Austera:

Lucky Coin
It is now possible to do a daily quest for a [Lucky Coin]. This quest can be found at any community center, next to the entrance, example below.
For the quest to complete, you can either hand in any regular specialty pack and/or any gilda specialty pack to any of the three trade posts on your continent.
Take note: it excludes fertilizers, local specialties, and larders: these types of packs will not update your quest.
The quest auto completes when you hand in the last pack.

The rewards you can buy with the coin are:

Temporary events (old)
Participating in the snowball arena will reward infusions and it will be active from December 17th, 2020 until January 12th, 2021. For more detailed information,click here. This event might return in future winter seasons.

Quest locations
Marked with a yellow X or blue mark.